Title: The birth of Inferno....
Submitter: Darla
Title: Cluny the Scourge
Submitter: Darla
Title: Darla protects Rick from the hound.
Submitter: Darla
Title: The Ripper?
Submitter: Darla
Title: Liz's last moments....
Submitter: Darla
Title: Jack the Ripper
Submitter: Darla
Title: Found.
Submitter: Darla
Title: Happy Halloween!
Submitter: Darla
Title: "They will pay..."
Submitter: Darla
Title: Ghost of a smile
Submitter: Darla
Description: It had been a wonderful, sunny day, perfect for a walk. and so, the rulers of Terramort went out, enjoying their time together. Their happiness was shattered, however, when the Redwallers attacked. Cluny and Aleera were parted in the battle. The Redwaller's plans were to kill Cluny and take Aleera and her unborn child to their came, but sadly, as Aleera fought back,a mouse stabbed her. When Cluny heard her scream, he went insane trying to get back to her. There was not one mouse left alive after that.
Finally, Cluny had made his way to Aleera side. He is too late. Aleera was just barely alive, clinging to life. Cluny cradled her in his arms, not accepting that she was dying. "You're going to be alright, Aleera..." He said, but in the back of his mind, he knew there wasn't a chance for her. Blood was already running from her nose and mouth, as well as from the wound. Tears began to well as Cluny begged Aleera to stay. She couldn't, she was slipping away. Then, finally, she died. Right there in her lover's arms. He broke down, screaming and howling in his loss. He had loved her so much, she deserved better....
Behind him, the spirit of his beloved reached out for him, tried to call his name. It was no good, she was dead.....
Title: James and Aleera face off.
Submitter: Darla
Title: "Danger comes on swift wings....."
Submitter: Darla
Title: The Rulers Of Terramort.
Submitter: Darla
Title: The Familiar is angry
Submitter: Darla
Title: "My master and I...."
Submitter: Darla
Title: Aleera and The Familiar
Submitter: Darla
Title: The Familiar
Submitter: Darla
Title: Lurking In The Shadows
Submitter: Darla
Summary: Just a random, unfinished Cluny pic I did for my ex's fan fic.
Description: Just a random, unfinished Cluny pic I did for my ex's fan fic.